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Chaos Or Calm?

Are you buying in to Black Friday? Or like me thinking more about calm over chaos? As a budget lifestyle and shopping expert I can tell you without doubt there are millions of ways to pay less than Black Friday deals, just by thinking outside the box.

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Chaos Or Calm?
7980 0

Get Ready To Squeeze Into Your LBD

OK I have to write a blog like this every November, the month our thoughts go to the growing tyre around the middle and dusting off the LBD hidden at the back of the closet, remembering you never actually got into it last year. It is going to take four weeks of hell, discipline and facing denial, in order to look and feel amazing through the party season in December and hopefully this time, the penny will finally drop, yo-yo dieting and torture is not the only way to...

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Get Ready To Squeeze Into Your LBD
9799 0

Why To Brand Out From The Crowd

This week I decided to treat myself to a new dress because I had been invited to Ascot by the lovely Sinitta for a corporate fun lunch and like all women, I didn't have a thing to wear.

I thought about wearing my own Venus Cow black lace...

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Why To Brand Out From The Crowd
8691 0

Money, Happiness Or Just Common Sense

When you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.

Last night I watched a new program on Channel 4, The World’s Most Expensive Foods and I have to say it made me laugh. A private jet company decided to try and produce the world’s most expensive pudding for their in-flight billionaire dining experience, clearly for customers with more money than sense.

Searching the world for rare valuable commodities...

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Money, Happiness Or Just Common Sense
6819 0

VPL To PBL For Kim Kardashian

Today I was reading some media on-line, doing research on black leggings, when I came across these horrific pictures of Kim Kardashian out and about in Beverly Hills wearing the cheapest looking see through leggings and showing off that famous bottom. You would

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VPL To PBL For Kim Kardashian
6200 0

The Hollywood Look For Less Live Show

When ex multi millionaire Hollywood stylist Shirley Yanez lost everything she figured out how to look good on a budget then created a live styling show "The Hollywood Look For Less Show" to help others do the same.


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The Hollywood Look For Less Live Show
4978 0

Shop Till You Top Yourself

I still love a shop, don't get me wrong but these days if a retailer wants my money I need more from them than another cheap top.

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Shop Till You Top Yourself
4117 0

So This Is Christmas?

Who would have ever believed the world's "spend spend spend" marketing wheel of fortune would stop turning and Christmas would be cancelled, 2020. In a way it is a great relief for me the pressure to keep up with the jones is lifted for all the people I coach this year and it's easier for them to think differently and smile for a change.

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So This Is Christmas?
4039 0

The Customer Always Comes First

So today I happen to be passing by Highcross in my home town Leicester and was lured in by a black jumper in the window display with sparkle on the elbows teamed up with faux leather leggings, my perfect look! Of course once in there, black was everywhere and before I could take a breath, I had collected six pieces on the way round the store without even thinking. The queue was quite long as everyone else had the same idea as me, black...

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The Customer Always Comes First
4969 0

Bottom Boosting Pants? What Next?

You have to give it to Asda, bless them, for coming up with an inexpensive way to give those women with a normal shape bottom, the chance to look like Kim Kardashian or J Lo with their peachy, fake bum pants at £6 a pair. It seems that many women and young girls are unhappy with the shape of their bodies and skinny is not in anymore, as most would do anything and I mean anything to have curves like Kim and Jenny from the block.

I went into Asda today to...

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Bottom Boosting Pants? What Next?
4624 0

Charity Shop Challenge From The Charity Shopping Expert

Once upon a time I pitched TV company after TV company my "Charity Shop Challenge" not sure you could do it nowadays as the charity shops continue to struggle for donations but 10-15 years ago they were an ex millionaire's haven and yes I have found Chanel more than once. I had the most amazing shopping experience yesterday in Shirley, Birmingham which is known for its very well stocked and supported charity shops. One woman’s designer trash became my much desired treasure. I spent 50 pounds in the Acorn childrens charity shop on a pair of fabulous Dune, black, flat, patent leather riding boots, almost new, a Sticky Fingers black unique jacket, also almost new, a Kenzo black jumper brand new and a pair of fab Victoria Beckham skinny...

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Charity Shop Challenge From The Charity Shopping Expert
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