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Bottom Boosting Pants? What Next?
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Bottom Boosting Pants? What Next?
Venus Cow Admin / Sunday, November 24, 2013 / Categories: Shirley Speaks Out, On Shopping and Styling

Bottom Boosting Pants? What Next?

You have to give it to Asda, bless them, for coming up with an inexpensive way to give those women with a normal shape bottom, the chance to look like Kim Kardashian or J Lo with their peachy, fake bum pants at £6 a pair. It seems that many women and young girls are unhappy with the shape of their bodies and skinny is not in anymore, as most would do anything and I mean anything to have curves like Kim and Jenny from the block.

I went into Asda today to check these pants out for myself and was told they had sold out almost as soon as they hit the shelves, which really shocked me because I just cannot imagine ever wearing padding down my knickers, what would be the point? Imagine you’re into that figure fitting LBD with what looks like the perfect, pert bum and you become the envy of the night attracting male attention, only to have him grab a bunch of padding on the dance floor, just mortifying in my mind and reminiscent of a much younger me resorting to padding down the bra.

It is time women recognised we are what we are. Anything fake is only a short term fix that is not real or sustainable when in the buff. If a big bottom is what you think will make you look better or fit in, you are not thinking straight. And for anyone considering a more drastic and permanent solution, the Brazillian butt lift has killed more women than any other cosmetic procedure. So ditch the foam and leave your body alone.

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