Mastering acceptance is too fold, master positive thinking (everything happens for a reason, the bigger picture always working in your favour) and then lower your expectations.
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How well do you know your darkside? The not so pleasant side of our nature we keep concealed because we feel ashamed, embarrased, unworthy or fear judgement from others.
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Spotting eating disorders signs and symptons can be difficult, like any addictive pattern we are not comfortable admitting to, people hide their eating disorder symptoms from the people they love.
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Some people are always arguing. Some people avoid conflict altogether. But whichever category you belong to both cause unnecessary stress. Now imagine if someone posted a film of you losing it online.
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I found the isolation brutal after losing the money. For the first time in my life I was truly alone. I was petrified but with time and committed meditation my "Isolation" became my "Splendid Isolation" on the California coast.
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Think of your triggers as a great wave, waterfall, tsunami coming your way. Your objective is to learn to recognise the trigger and consciously disarm it before it does it's worst and activates that unwelcome automated response and you're under.
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When Adrienne Banfield Norris was asked by her daughter to share her top life tip she told Jada Pinkett Smith the secret to her survival was down to one simple thing - Endurance.
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Trusting others can be a precarious business, people often say one thing and do the complete opposite but with committed meditation practise the one person you can learn to completely trust and rely upon is yourself.
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Maturity is discovering the wisdom to know we don't always know although poo pooed as a fun inhibiting characteristic. Maturity comes from experience, not watching others make mistakes but making them ourselves.
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Have I ever had feelings of shame, been ashamed of my behaviour. If I am honest the answer is of course yes.
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The more you master yourself the less you will come to rely on the support of a family you may care very deeply for but like everyone's is not perfect. Just because we may be related doesn't mean the dark side of our nature is not at work behind the scenes.
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All of us at our core have a strong compassionate instinct. A natural and automatic response that ensures our survival.
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Before forcing him or her down the aisle be sure you know what you're signing up for. And I don't mean, the dress, the slipper, the white picket fence and the rose tinted glasses. Remember you never hear about a bad marriage and then suddenly it's over.
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Suicide is on the rise, particularly amongst young men but suicide only ever happens in a moment of temporary overload.
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A maasive subject to cover in a short tutorial but once you've grasped the concept of what you actually capable of and tools at your disposal you will be filled with hope and ultimately unstoppable. Your soul or your spirit is the the most powerful tool in your box.
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OK I have to write a blog like this every November, the month our thoughts go to the growing tyre around the middle and dusting off the LBD hidden at the back of the closet, remembering you never actually got into it last year. It is going to take four weeks of hell, discipline and facing denial, in order to look and feel amazing through the party season in December and hopefully this time, the penny will finally drop, yo-yo dieting and torture is not the only way to...
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With an unlimited budget of course it's easier to get exactly what you want but buyer beware it's also easier to get completely ripped off. However Hollywood is one place on the planet where who you know, combined with what you know is way more powerful.
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This month in Beacon Magazine, Leicestershire's Premier Lifestyle Magazine, Shirley shares her wise counsel on the "New Year Resolution" and gives tips on how changing your thinking can ensure a very happy new year.
"So, as we say goodbye to another year, it's time to take some time to reflect, remember and renew all the promises, ideas and resolutions we made at the start of the new year. Did you successfully give up drinking for the month of...
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It's hard to feel really confident in your clothes when you are trying to dress a body with tricky proportions whether it be plus size, really tall, broad shoulders, short waisted. As a stylist Shirley deals with these proportion issues every day for her curvy girls but as a woman she is not exempt from her own body challenges when it comes to plus size style.
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Shirley's roller coaster life has had many ups and downs. Now in her 6th decade she has found with discipline and dedication the straight and narrow path to peace, true happiness and is having more fun than ever before.
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