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Daily Mail "Femail" Feature
Venus Cow Admin / Thursday, October 22, 2015 / Categories: Shirley In The Press, Celibacy Lifestyle

Daily Mail "Femail" Feature

In the Daily Mail, Shirley talks to journalist Helen Carroll about why she chose to remain celibate as she rebuilt her life and business after losing her self made millions 1st time around and then almost dying in Los Angeles.

"For thrice-divorced Shirley Yanez, 59, who has been celibate by choice for 15 years, her turning point came shortly after her third marriage ended, when she fell desperately ill, due to a 8lb fibroid in her uterus.

'Staring death in the face in that way and then getting a second chance I made a commitment to myself to only ever do things that are good for me,' recalls Shirley."


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