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Eni Maj on The PBL
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Eni Maj on The PBL
Venus Cow Admin / Monday, January 4, 2016 / Categories: PBL Reviews, Bloggers and Vloggers The PBL Reviews

Eni Maj on The PBL

Vogue model

When Oxygen model and  "British (via Nigeria) It Girl" Eni Maj said hello on Instagram you can only imagine how ecstatic we were - word had spread of the perfect black leggings to London's fashion's elite. We were even more excited to see Eni's honest experience in print as she wore her leggings and bra top to her regular dance class to see how they would hold up. Eni dances to the beat of her own drum when it comes to health and exercise and doesn't let anything take her off her very own gorgeousness track. Check her out on Instagram. It's worth a visit just to see more of  beautiful images of a Nigerian model,  a London girl, working model, new Mum, now living in NYC.

Follow Eni on Instagram and Twitter

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