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Plump Lips
Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: My Budget

Plump Lips

Plump full lips are all the rage in the Hollywood beauty stakes.

Venus Cow says, "On a budget, getting a trout pout is OUT."

Angelina Jolie has got us all looking for tips for plumping up our lips. To ensure you have the best Hollywood lips possible, it is critical you prepare your lips by exfoliating with a small brush, i.e. toothbrush. Using a lip liner as close to your natural lip as possible will dramatically change the size of your lips appearance. Placing a little highlighter just at the raised point of the bow will make lips appear fuller.

Cinnamon and peppermint oil are natural budget remedies to plumper lips but beware they sting and application is not particularly comfortable, having said that neither is a collagen injection.

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