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Weight Loss Tutorial

Your diet is your lifestyle, so if you desire a fab slim figure, loads of energy and the secret to happiness, in a long fun packed life, you have to invest your time in creating an eating plan that includes no more than 2000 calories a day, including alcohol

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Weight Loss Tutorial
4146 0

Controlled Indulgence Tutorial

Controlled indulgence is all about being able to have a bit of what you fancy, now and again, without it becoming a compulsive addiction you need to get you through your life.

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Controlled Indulgence Tutorial
2836 0

Dress For Yourself

A professional stylist will give you his or her stylist tips and tricks and hopefully inspire you to have a go at trying something new that represents who you'd really be if only you had the guts, a Geisha in an exquisite silk kimono maybe?

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Dress For Yourself
3819 0

Look Good Over Forty

Forty is most definitely the new hot age to be, old enough to be wise but still young enough to look twenty with the right attitude, energy and confidence.

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Look Good Over Forty
1814 0

Middle Age Spread

Losing your waist ruins your styling and is not inevitable in middle age.

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Middle Age Spread
3741 0

Help I have Moobs!

With over 80% of men secretly concerned about their unhealthy, overweight bodies right now, Venus Cow says, it’s not just women who are plagued by body hang-ups; men have secret concerns about their ever developing “Moobs” male boobs and over grown beer bellies.

The beer belly has been around forever and like women these days, men feel insecure and miserable when confronted with judgmental comments and remarks about their bodies....

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Help I have Moobs!
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