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Dress For Yourself
Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: Truth About Style

Dress For Yourself

Looking amazing in your clothes starts with being authentic. Ask yourself "Who am I?" and "What do my clothes tell others about me?"

No one can tell you what to wear. Who knows better than you what you love and feel at your best in. The true beauty of developing personal style is the amazing outlet for creative expression.

Retail is in trouble, sizing is out of whack and fashion all looks the same, so unless you know how to put a complete outfit together, in effect become your own stylist, looking unique and coordinated is impossible for most of us.

No matter how many TV stylists tell you what not to wear, the truth is clothes will never look good if you don't feel good. It is a bit of an insult to be compared to a piece of fruit, an apple, or a pear which in reality would be impossible to dress even by the best stylist on the planet. There is no right or wrong when it comes to styling, just good and bad so you have to rely heavily on your instincts. And don't give up. If you put a few things together and they don't look right to you, move things around, take things off, fasten and unfasten items to produce the perfect silhouette. 

Unfortunately there are no miracle cures or solutions to looking like a well dressed, size 12, Topshop mannequin if you are a size 18 plus with no waist. You will always be limited by choice when it comes to High St and couture if you are fat. So if you want to redefine your style, look a million dollars and feel high end fabulous you may have got to do some work to do on your physical before you can attempt some styling. Work towards being healthier not stick thin, for super successful styling curves are easier than a straight end and down frame.

Dreaming of looking like someone else is no good. Everyone is a completely different shape to start with, with different colouring so what looks good on one person won't necessarily look great on another. And dreaming of looking good, without doing some work, is never going to get you there.

The best place to practise your style is at a swap party, you can do it in your own wardrobe but you'll be more inspired and excited to do the work with clothes you haven't seen before. Encourage your friends to bring lots of accessories and jewellery they no longer wear and are open to swapping. Having a lot of options to choose from is vital until you hone your styling skills. Sort out the pieces into categories, hats, shoes, boots, (flat, heels), jewellery, (gold, silver) so you know where to look when you need a necklace to match gold hardware on your bag.

Instead of admiring other people's dress sense and thinking how rubbish you are at picking out clothes, try appreciating everything that is great about you, (we've all got something) your thick hair,  your slim ankles, or your dimples. Go round the room and share each others best physical qualities to give everyone an unexpected boost. We never see ourselves the way others see us.

 This simple change in your mindset will help you get more motivated to practise your style.

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