Wednesday, February 10, 2021 3324 0 Eating Disorders Spotting eating disorders signs and symptons can be difficult, like any addictive pattern we are not comfortable admitting to, people hide their eating disorder symptoms from the people they love. Read more
Friday, November 27, 2020 9461 0 Suicide Suicide is on the rise, particularly amongst young men but suicide only ever happens in a moment of temporary overload. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 3645 0 Bullying Tutorial Whether you are the perpetrator or the victim of bullying, it's important to look at why we do it, why we let it happen and how we can learn to stop both behaviour patterns. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 2899 0 Courage Courage is one core value we work on in therapy. Task 1. Do something every day you would normally be afraid of. Sometimes just being brave enough to tell someone the truth is all your need to do to make a massive change. Read more