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Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: Positive Thinking, Personal Development


Bravery equals Fortitude equals Will Power equals Courage

Put um up!

Think about the idea of a lion with no courage. We have all been conditioned to think that if we appear bigger than we are, wilder than we are, scarier than we are and louder than we are, we have all the courage in the world but it is just not the case. Bullies are cowards in disguise.

It is easy to think you have courage when you are picking on someone smaller and weaker than you, it is unlikely you will ever see a bully picking on a hungry hippopotamus.

So what is courage and how do we find it?

The first thing we have to do is face head on the pain or the danger without fear, easier said than done says Venus Cow but definitely possible.

It is time to be brave.

Courage is doing the right thing when the wrong thing would give you better results. Courage is having your breasts removed to prevent death from cancer. Courage is going against the grain, against all the odds. Courage is will power, common sense and being free to do whatever you are afraid to do. Courage gives us the power to get rid of all the things we have learnt from others by knowing what not to fear.

Venus Cow says “Do something every day you would normally be afraid of.”

Bravery equals Fortitude equals Will Power equals Courage.

With more courage you will become stronger, stable and the more courage you desire the happier your life will become.

Venus Cow says, "Courage is to feel fear and act anyway."

Plucking up the courage to tell your best friend you have slept with her husband or stolen her life savings will of course make you very nervous and anxious but if it is worth doing, it is worth doing right.

We sometimes have to find the courage to do the right thing even if the outcome may be not what we want or something we fear. We may be in a bad relationship but fear being alone so stay regardless of our own personal happiness. It takes courage to walk way. We may hate our job so much we become depressed and afraid to be without security and money. It takes courage to tell your boss you are resigning to follow your dream. It takes courage to visit your GP if you find a lump in your breast for fear of death and disease.

Venus Cow says, "Courage is about never giving up because of fear of the unknown."

Go to your journal and think about something you are really afraid of that includes a confession from you to someone else, then practice ways you can find the courage to free yourself of the burden.


Photo by Jack Moreh, courtesy of FreeRange


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