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Career And Purpose

Only you can discover your true purpose by listening to only yourself and learning what makes you happy.

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Career And Purpose
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Is Your Work Taking Over Your Dating Life?

Six questions to ask yourself to find out if you are neglecting other important parts of your life.

Do you take your work with you to bed? On weekends? On vacation?
Do you work more than 40 hours a week?
Do you go to sleep counting money not sheep?
Do you forget you are a woman now and again?
Do you love your business calendar more than...

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Is Your Work Taking Over Your Dating Life?
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Free Life Coaching - Why I Do It and How It Helps?

The main reason to work with a life coach is to help you figure out where you are in your life and where you want to be but for most setting personal goals is an impossible task. Very often people need someone to help them make the dreams in their heads become reality by helping them do the work and focus on the vision. A life coach can really help in areas like relationships, careers, personal growth, addictions such as food, drugs, drink, smoking...

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Free Life Coaching - Why I Do It and How It Helps?
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