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10 Top Sort Out Your Wardrobe Tips
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10 Top Sort Out Your Wardrobe Tips
Venus Cow Admin / Wednesday, November 13, 2013 / Categories: Styling and Shopping Advice, Wardrobes and Closets, Time Management

10 Top Sort Out Your Wardrobe Tips

Most women don't actually think about their wardrobe or how it came to be. We go out, see something we like and buy it, sometimes without even trying something on.

Our shopping habits are developed over time and why we get overwhelmed by a load of clothes we rarely or barely wear if we're brave enough to actually address the mess. Too much stuff means you end up wearing none of it, particularly if you have a closet full of random tops purchased with the idea to style with those black trousers you still can't fit into.

The first thing a stylist does is get it all out so this is where you start. The best wardrobes are the ones that allow you to see what you have and to be inspired every day.

Here are our top 10 tips to ensure you are always ready to go in your best at your best

1. No Duplicates

When we shop we tend to buy the same thing over and over again  but you can only wear one black jumper at once. And when we dress we choose our favourite over and over, why so many garments never have their tags removed. So pick out your favourite and second favourite. It's smart to keep 2 heavier weight options too, we only really wear our favourites anyway so it'll be easy to figure out what stays and what goes.

2. Clean and Pristine

Anything that's dirty or has holes in it is unwearable so either needs washing, repairing or dumping. If you are keeping things for posterity or sentimental reasons, great, but put them somewhere else. Keep your closet free to be an actual working wardrobe.

3. If The Cap Fits

We've all got stuff from yesteryear purchased on a wing and a prayer one day we might just get into it. Anything you cannot fasten has to go. Things that you can fasten but are too uncomfortable to wear give yourself a time limit to get them on comfortably and if that doesn't happen, detach and pass the item on to a friend, family member or the charity shop.

4. Keep Things Together

For styling it's important to be able to find things that work well together. One piece you cannot put your hand on can make or break an outfit and looking for something when your running late will mean you reach for the easy option once again.

5. Rotate Your Wardrobe

Unless you live on a tropical island where all you need is a bikini, a sarong and a pair of slides it's likely you have items like boots, outerwear and knitwear that only comes out when the weather turns colder so successful stylists put these items up once the sun comes out to create more working space. If you cannot see what's in there you're not putting it on.

6. Best and Every Day

We wouldn't ever recommened keeping something for best. However when you come across something you absolutely love it's sensible to buy one for best and one for everyday. This does seem to break the no duplicates rule but here's why. You can wear the item immediately without fear of ruining it because you have the spanking brand new version on stand by should the occassion arise for the item in pristine condition. 

7. More Expensive Bags and Shoes

You can successfully style cheaper clothes with more expensive bags and shoes without anyone noticing. The same is not true the other way around. Cheap shoes always look cheap, fall to bits and are a false economy. More expensive shoes like a classic Gucci loafer purchased secondhand will last forever and can be repaired time and time again saving a packet in the long run. Keep shoe trees in shoes and bags in dust bags to ensure they stay looking fantastic over time.

8. Clothes For Another Life

Many of us have a lot of clothes for another life, things we have invested in for special occassions worn once and impossible to let go of because of the investment in them. The mentality of throwing massive amounts of money at one off outfits is the reason you are confined to wearing the same boring thing every day you don't really love. Commit to spending the majority of your clothing budget on key staple and more practical items for your lifestyle to completely give the clothes you wear everyday a boost and the next time you have an event to go to, you'll borrow or swap something. As far as your wardrobe goes clear these clothes for another life into another room.

9. When I Get Up In The Morning

You throw on jeans and a T shirt or tights and a skirt, pants and a sweater for work, this is your base layer and doesn't really change throughout your life if your weight is stable. Your base layer doesn't make a completely styled outfit, you need accessories for this but why it's important to select your base layer pieces wisely. You do need more base layer pieces than you'd imagine, they are the backbone of your wardrobe. They don't have to be massively expensive but these key staples have to fit you well as they are the foundation for your styled mannequin. Choose the pieces you love the most and are the most comfortable and confident in.

10. Accessories

As a stylist you think like a collector when it comes to accessories, you buy but your don't sell. They are the most powerful pieces in your wardrobe and if you've shopped correctly you should NEVER throw them away. Shoes do wear out eventually and bags can be swapped, sold and traded for a new to you delight but jewellery, scarves, sunglasses, keychains, belts should be selected with passion and love and we think kept forever. You never know when you're going to need a sixties print, or a touch of leopard to create story without investing in something else you'll only use once.

Photo by: Gatis Murnieks Unsplash

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