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The Common Sense Effect
Venus Cow Admin / Sunday, November 17, 2013 / Categories: Addictive Patterns

The Common Sense Effect

Healthy Lifestyle Addict

Many accredit Thomas Paine, the English born American activist and philosopher the father of common sense. One of my favourite Thomas paine quotes

“A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.”

Basically we buy into our own BS.

So who wouldn't want to be super healthy, the best they can be? And who wouldn't want to be all that without giving up a single thing they like?

When I decided to face my truth and began to live a controlled indulgence lifestyle, this is being able to have what you desire now and again without being greedy and overdoing it, I had no idea how much it would change me and how my body worked. And how I would actually physically feel the changes inside. My body rewarding me with natural comfort in exchange for my good work.

I look forward to having the occasional blow out where I can eat a bag of chocolate toffees in one go or drink a few martinis if I want to but very often I actually end up talking myself out of doing either and as of 2020 I embarked on a journey to becoming a vegan so the chocolate binges have been axed by default.

For me feeling healthy and looking younger without surgery or spending a fortune on products, is my only focus these days and the more I focus on the workings of my machine, my body, I find out more about developing my will power.

We all have a little voice inside that can either convince us to be naughty and mischievous or to be strong and resist the temptation and more often than not, the former takes over leaving us constantly in denial or weak, never getting close to the finishing line. All it takes to have a healthy happy body mind and soul is the ability to use common sense and make the right choices. If you want to be thin, you have to want to be thinner more than you want to scoff a cream cake and if you want to be truly happy you must develop the will power and learn to resist veering off the straight and narrow.

Filling the void, the big empty hole in your soul, that no matter how much you eat, drink, shop, escape, is impossible until you recognise and face your fears, demons and past. Comfort eating, medicating with alcohol or indulging in risky sex are all actions that give an instant fix but never lead to true happiness, so whilst ever you choose to look outward for validation, you are at risk being stuck in misery.

The funniest thing is the minute you start to look inward and persist with the work, your internal dialogue you cannot help but become addicted to the complete opposite, being good and it's because you feel so amazing you're never going back to that place.

Photo by: Maddi Bazzocco Unsplash

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