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Eating Disorders

Spotting eating disorders signs and symptons can be difficult, like any addictive pattern we are not comfortable admitting to, people hide their eating disorder symptoms from the people they love.

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Eating Disorders
4864 0

Smoking Tutorial

The brutal truth is if you were the only person on the planet who smoked, you would give up.

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Smoking Tutorial
3456 0

Manage Debt

Spend one week living on just £50 and see how far you get

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Manage Debt
3525 0

Food Addiction

You are what you eat and must learn how to break away from your food addiction if you want to be healthy and happy.

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Food Addiction
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Pattern Behaviour

Understanding much of what we do is triggered in our subconscious by unconscious patterns is the start of getting on top of ourselves and our behaviour.

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Pattern Behaviour
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Shopping Addiction

Too much shopping may give us the lift we crave just like any other addiction but the feeling is temporary and not the reality.

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Shopping Addiction
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Don’t smoke, choke and smell like an old ashtray, it’s stupid.

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The more we have the more we want. It's a fact. Curb your appetite for over indulgence and heighten your appetite for life success.

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Alcohol Addiction

Being addicted to something means you feel you cannot live without it. Likely you will do anything to get it but prioritising alcohol will ultimately damage your human connections.

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Alcohol Addiction
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We all live in denial to some extent. It's a lying mechanism that allows us to separate ourselves from our poor choices. "Who me?" "That's not me?" "I don't smoke, well only occasionally?" It takes time and dedication to get to a place where we can own all our choices and never justify them.

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Men are seven-and-a-half times more likely than women to become problem gamblers, research suggests according to the BBC.

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The Common Sense Effect

When I started to have a completely honest conversation with myself about my life and my choices, asking myself actual questions, the answers I got weren't pretty but the truth does set you free.

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The Common Sense Effect
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Compulsive Shopping Disorder

Over-buying and compulsive shopping behaviour is no different to binge eating. The empty emotional hole that you’re trying to fill with clothing will never be satisfied and I know as an ex shopaholic. Shopping offers a temporary high and often excessive shopping can become a coping method to distract yourself from the real underlying problem, you are unhappy and unfulfilled. You believe shopping is the answer to all your prayers!

The problem with this...

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Compulsive Shopping Disorder
3518 0

Understand Emotional Loss When Quitting Smoking

Chemical dependency comes from smoking nicotine and is one of the most intense, repetitive and dependable relationships you will ever have, as it will dominate almost every aspect of your life and your thinking. I smoked on and off for most of my life giving up this time, since my near death
experience except for the odd one now and again, 10 years.

I understand the power of a nicotine buzz or that compulsive dependency and I also understand the...

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Understand Emotional Loss When Quitting Smoking
3746 0

Drunks Always Finish Last

I decided to set up my social enterprise after spending some years working with really damaged, difficult and often homeless alcoholics. I was never addicted to alcohol in the sense I could go for days without one but on the days I did drink, I could drink for England. Getting drunk in the fast world of stocks and shares, champagne and cocaine, money and often debauchery, I trained with the best drunks...

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Drunks Always Finish Last
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