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Compulsive Shopping Disorder
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Compulsive Shopping Disorder
Venus Cow Admin / Wednesday, October 30, 2013 / Categories: Lifestyle Choices, Addictive Patterns

Compulsive Shopping Disorder

Over-buying and compulsive shopping behaviour is no different to binge eating. Too much shopping is an addiction. The empty emotional hole that you’re trying to fill with clothing will never be satisfied and I know as an ex shopaholic. Shopping offers a temporary high identical to the buzz shoplifters describe and often excessive shopping can become a coping method to distract yourself from the real underlying problem, you are unhappy and unfulfilled. You believe shopping is the answer to all your prayers!

The problem with this behaviour is, avoidance does not work and will only makes things worse because what starts out as an emotional problem is further compounded by massive credit card debt and a pointless closet filled with clothes you don’t need and will never wear if you are not breaking the law, in jail if you are.

Take a leaf out of Hollywood celebrity, Sharon Stone’s book of life and get yourself some recycled vintage fashion in order to practise your own style and not waste any more money on mistakes, fast fashion or more ill-fitting clothes. Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett and Emma Watson are all know in LA for preferring to recycle their designer clobber. And Suzi Amis Cameron, wife of Hollywood A lister director James Cameron is one of the US leading enviromental and ethical fashion activists. Spending money you just don't have for a high that lasts as long as it takes to sneeze will always leave you feeling empty.

Fashion is for sheep, style is unique, so no matter how old you are, how inexperienced you are, practise your own style with someone else's mistakes, at the same time saving you cash and the distress when the unwanted debts mount up in a pile bigger than the unwanted clothes you will never wear. Just plain old common sense as they say.

Photo by: Melanie PongratzUnsplash

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