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Rewind, Restore, Rejuvenate, Rejoice and then Rebel

Shirley's roller coaster life has had many ups and downs. Now in her 6th decade she has found with discipline and dedication the straight and narrow path to peace, true happiness and is having more fun than ever before.

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Rewind, Restore, Rejuvenate, Rejoice and then Rebel
4864 0

Smoking Tutorial

The brutal truth is if you were the only person on the planet who smoked, you would give up.

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Smoking Tutorial
3631 0

Art Of Living Tutorial

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others and if we cannot help them, don’t hurt them." Dalai Lama

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Art Of Living Tutorial
3883 0

Pattern Behaviour

Understanding much of what we do is triggered in our subconscious by unconscious patterns is the start of getting on top of ourselves and our behaviour.

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Pattern Behaviour
3494 0

Attainable Aspiration

Change the way you think about things and the things you get will change. Sometimes the most dangerous trips we take are the places we go for comfort in our minds.

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Attainable Aspiration
2823 0

Career And Purpose

Only you can discover your true purpose by listening to only yourself and learning what makes you happy.

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Career And Purpose
3112 0

Lifestyle Plan

Healthier slimmer people eat the majority of their daily calories before 6pm. Diets don’t work long term. Start a lifestyle plan detoxing to begin the journey to the thin within.

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Lifestyle Plan
4212 0


The more we have the more we want. It's a fact. Curb your appetite for over indulgence and heighten your appetite for life success.

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3596 0


Donate your unwanted clothes to charity shops or thrift stores.

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3442 0

Love Addiction

Does the thought of one day being in love consume you? Have you ever considered this constant yearning for love may have been mis placed in your mind? Do you feel empty without love?

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Love Addiction
4577 0

Compulsive Shopping Disorder

Over-buying and compulsive shopping behaviour is no different to binge eating. The empty emotional hole that you’re trying to fill with clothing will never be satisfied and I know as an ex shopaholic. Shopping offers a temporary high and often excessive shopping can become a coping method to distract yourself from the real underlying problem, you are unhappy and unfulfilled. You believe shopping is the answer to all your prayers!

The problem with this...

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Compulsive Shopping Disorder
3350 0

How Changing The Way You Think Will Transform Your Life

Life to me is like a book and we all read it. Happiness is a true blessing and we all need it. Happiness comes from escaping your denial by learning to smile because we are all here for just a while. Life is never about fitting in, it’s about being yourself. The past can reflect who you are today but may not reflect who you are in the future because it’s not always about how long you try but about how hard you try.

If you spend your time...

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How Changing The Way You Think Will Transform Your Life
6254 0

Porn Education Cures Addictive Masturbation

I am horrified to see the facts around porn addiction and young men in today's web and technology culture, where few communicate face to face, many cannot write correctly or spell because of texting and most get their unlimited sexual fantasies on-line. Internet porn is where our young men are learning to dominate sexually and our young women are being subjected to humiliation as a result. If you can imagine when a young male, already dealing with testosterone issues, is learning life...

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Porn Education Cures Addictive Masturbation
6259 0

Life After Social Media?

I am really worried about young people right now who are subjected to the massive pitfalls of having their every move played out on the internet, in order to be popular and liked by complete strangers, often disguised as wolves in sheep’s clothing.  When I read almost every day in the media, stories about teenagers hanging themselves because they are victims of cyber bulling, it makes my blood boil and my fighting back spirit...

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Life After Social Media?
3518 0

Understand Emotional Loss When Quitting Smoking

Chemical dependency comes from smoking nicotine and is one of the most intense, repetitive and dependable relationships you will ever have, as it will dominate almost every aspect of your life and your thinking. I smoked on and off for most of my life giving up this time, since my near death
experience except for the odd one now and again, 10 years.

I understand the power of a nicotine buzz or that compulsive dependency and I also understand the...

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Understand Emotional Loss When Quitting Smoking
4010 0

Address The Fat Facts

In the UK right now we have an obesity problem that is so great it could potentially take down and kill our whole health care system, leaving little help for those sick people who desperately need it.

Currently two Million in the UK suffer from diabetes which is related to obesity and 750.000 don't yet know they have it. Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions and now affects teenagers and young children who are also suffering from liver...

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Address The Fat Facts
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