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Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: My Style, Lifestyle Choices, Ethical Fashionista


We've all found ourselves buying something new not because we love it but because we need our shopping fix to feel happy.

Pull out of your closet all the mistakes, duplicates and disasters, free yourself from your shopping addiction and lift your mood by donating them to the local charity shop. This change in your behaviour will not only make you feel good but potentially could save someone's life.

Our compulsive shopping habits contribute to the millions of tonnes of clothing that hit landfill every year with many people just tossing away barely worn or used garments in favour of something new.

Without good quality donations, charity shop retailling cannot survive and now the economy is in trouble they need our help more than ever. Stop hoarding and start sharing.

Don't hesitate, Donate before it's too late.

Photo by: Jakob Owens

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