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Daily Mantra For Success
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Daily Mantra For Success
Venus Cow Admin / Monday, July 29, 2013 / Categories: Daily Routine, Free Tips That Work

Daily Mantra For Success

Positive, optimistic thinking is not always easy, especially when it is pouring with rain from jet black thunder clouds but for every bad time, moment or scenario, there is always a cloud with a silver lining. I often wake up naturally once I have rested and recharged my batteries, the only true purpose for sleeping, and jump out of bed for a cup of peppermint tea with a smile on my face. I do love my life now which makes me happy and excited for every new thing that wings its way into my life inbox. Although I do admit it has taken some time and a lot of reflection to get to the place I now find myself

The secret to finding happiness and success in and from life, is to recognize it is you that is in charge of deciding which daily mantra to follow, in order to be the person you spend your life dreaming about being one day, if only. Start today. Have a positive truthful dialogue with yourself. Think don't feel. And if you catch yourself drifting off, day dreaming or thinking life is terrible without really thinking at all, it's up to you to bring yourself back to the moment. When you start to think about your life as a collection of moments, being on top of what you are doing moment to moment becomes so much more important.

The simple daily mantra today for complete beginners who want to be thin and not fat is as follows,

I am what I eat and I am not a pig.

The simple daily mantra for complete beginners who want to quit smoking is as follows,

I love my lungs because they keep me alive. 

The simple daily mantra for complete beginners who want to overcome an fear is as follows,

My fear is an irrational response triggered by my subconscious

It's important to remember affirmations are great but you cannot lie to your subconscious mind so they will only work on a deeper level if they are true for you.

Photo by: Social Cut Unsplash

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