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Free Business Cards
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Free Business Cards
Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: Daily Routine, Free Tips That Work

Free Business Cards

Never leave the house without one

Every time you leave your house there's a chance you might encounter an opportunity. The reason it's essential to have a business card on you at all times.

Like everything you can pay a fortune for high grade paper, raised lettering but for anyone on a budget the key is what it says, not the paper it's written on. Some companies offer loss leaders like free business cards to get you to visit their website.

Hollywood networking is all about marketing yourself and a business card is the most under rated yet most effective tool to get your name out there in front of potential clients, customers or just to broaden your social network. People are much more likely to remember you and or your product if you have a card to hand them.

Of course if you work in the movie business where the competition is to out do everyone you meet it is not plain sailing and you could find yourself with the challenge of producing something fabulously unique.

It has been rumoured the most expensive business cards in the world are made of platinum studded with diamonds and are only given out to impress other A listers.

A business card can be boring, most are but thinking about really making an impression, what you say on your card can make the difference between whether it's kept or trashed. Some one I met in LA once, handed me a card that said "Aquired Taste" under their name and then on the reverse side "If you don't like me, aquire some taste". It was  card I kept.

The top tip that may not be as precious but will definitely give you that personal touch without spending a dime (other than postage and packaging)

At Banana Print you can get 50 free business cards (£2.95 P and P)

It's always better to look for a company less well known and eager to get your business. When I first returned from LA and Vistaprint was unheard of I got 250 free business cards for the price of the postage. These days they don't need this type of offer to generate web traffic. Check out Vistaprint's free sample kit where you can get 10 free business cards and start networking towards a happy life immediately.

Photo by: Jukebox Print Unsplash

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