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Free Make Up
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Free Make Up
Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: My Budget, Make up

Free Make Up

Many high end make up companies are only too happy to offer a free make up demonstration to promote their products.

So getting the look for less, a fantastic Hollywood makeover from a trained professional is not as expensive as you might think.

Venus Cow says, "If you've got a date and need new make up to impress, get savvy and check out your local department store for a free make up session."

Chanel are always wanting to promote their cosmetics and will welcome you into the chair for a full make up lesson at no charge. You just have to manage your status anxiety when they try to sell you at the end and politely but confidently tell the assistant you want to get a friend's opinion before investing in everything.

A great top tip is to go on the day you have something special planned for the evening, your christmas party or friend's wedding etc. Not only will you look amazing for free you will also walk away with many free samples to keep you going when times are tough.

Photo by: Chalo Garcia

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