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When Adrienne Banfield Norris was asked by her daughter to share her top life tip she told Jada Pinkett Smith the secret to her survival was down to one simple thing - Endurance.

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How To Break Bad Habits

Start your journal and make a list of all the times you feel sad, hungry, angry, tired or just unable to motivate yourself

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How To Break Bad Habits
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How To Motivate Yourself Tutorial

The first step to motivating yourself, if you truly have never been able to achieve anything, is to take action, so switch off the telly.

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How To Motivate Yourself Tutorial
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Alcohol Tutorial

Drinking alcohol to excess like any other addiction is lethal. If you are trying to forget your misery, you have to learn how to be happy sober, to ever be a happy drunk. The irony once you're happy sober, drinking or fake spirit as i like to call it becomes redundant.

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Alcohol Tutorial
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Manage Debt

Spend one week living on just £50 and see how far you get

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Manage Debt
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Controlled Indulgence

Comfort eating is the act of by passing your hungry full instictive response to feel pleasure in your reward centre. By learning to recognise and respond when you are stepping over the fine line to being out of control you can have your cake and eat it too.

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Controlled Indulgence
4275 0

Free Life Coaching - Why I Do It and How It Helps?

The main reason to work with a life coach is to help you figure out where you are in your life and where you want to be but for most setting personal goals is an impossible task. Very often people need someone to help them make the dreams in their heads become reality by helping them do the work and focus on the vision. A life coach can really help in areas like relationships, careers, personal growth, addictions such as food, drugs, drink, smoking...

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Free Life Coaching - Why I Do It and How It Helps?
5259 0

Self Mastery

Thinking in business is vital to get anything achieved but it is only when I began defining my core values and holding myself to a higher standard daily I began to understand the challenge of self mastery.

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Self Mastery
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