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Think Before You Drink
Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: Do’s and Don’t

Think Before You Drink

Excessive alcohol consumption is amongst the main causes of premature ageing and disasterous styling. 60% of women in the UK and 67% of men are considered overweight or obese and many are finding themselves living with a beer belly. Alcohol is not only damaging your good looks and beauty regime but your health as well. Scientific studies have proven that too much alcohol dilates the blood vessels in the skin leading to sagging and early wrinkles.

Venus Cow says, "Everything in moderation."

Too much alcohol in middle age causes bloating and blotchy skin. It seriously dehydrates your body and destroys your natural suppy of vitamin A. To look good in clothes it is essential to lose the beer gut, whether you are a man or woman so lift life and drink some water instead. It may not give you the same buzz in the short term but you will look younger and hydrating your body turns the clock backwards in time.

Alcohol is a depressent so if you suffer anyway, boozing just makes this worse. Drinking too much will interupt your essential beauty sleep leaving you tired, dull and disinterested in making an effort. A couple of glasses of red wine can be beneficial, it acts as an anti oxident but two bottles gives nothing more than drunken humiliation and a red face, literally.

Photo by: Taylor Deas-Melesh

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