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The Hollywood Connection – A Stylish Insider’s Top Tips

With an unlimited budget of course it's easier to get exactly what you want but buyer beware it's also easier to get completely ripped off. However Hollywood is one place on the planet where who you know, combined with what you know is way more powerful.

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The Hollywood Connection – A Stylish Insider’s Top Tips
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Plus Size Style Is About Shape NOT Size

It's hard to feel really confident in your clothes when you are trying to dress a body with tricky proportions whether it be plus size, really tall, broad shoulders, short waisted. As a stylist Shirley deals with these proportion issues every day for her curvy girls but as a woman she is not exempt from her own body challenges when it comes to  plus size style.

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Plus Size Style Is About Shape NOT Size
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Cultivating desire is the key to our happiness. If you only learn one thing learn this. Once you understand how to cultivate desire you can literally do anything.

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Sharon Stone Secrets

One of the best things about being a stylist is you get the celebrity inside scoop.

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Sharon Stone Secrets
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Free Face Lift

In Hollywood you can get free surgery if you are prepared to put yourself in a production teams hands and have the whole thing filmed for E! Entertainment.

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Free Face Lift
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Second Life

Exercising and stretching your imagination is a good thing, if you can dream it you can achieve it, but ecaping into your imagination (zoning out) for long periods of time can be very danderous for your mental wellbeing.

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Second Life
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No See Through Leggings For Teenagers in California

For every over protective Mum with teenage daughters absolutely sure they know way better than anyone who has been round the block more than once, steering them in the right direction and getting a compromise particularly when it comes to school attire is extremely difficult and challenging.

We grown-ups all know girls between the ages of 10 and 16 have very set ideas about what they like and what they will wear, we've been there ourselves, leaving many...

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No See Through Leggings For Teenagers in California
5473 0

How To Stay Young and Vibrant

How do I stay looking young in Hollywood, is the most frequently asked question I get from women and not just women my own age but younger women as well. Why not create the perfect lifestyle for health, vitality and defying the aging process all on a budget for yourself?

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How To Stay Young and Vibrant
4382 0

Got The Dress But Not The Groom?

There are often times when I have to really stop myself from throttling my thirty something audience when I do relationship workshops to help them redefine the fairy tale happy ending they are all desperate to find.  The urgency always comes from worrying about what other people think because being left on the shelf childless and on the heap, is a sad picture leaving these women miserable and...
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Got The Dress But Not The Groom?
3955 0

Relationship Dilemma Coaching

Being a free life coach is so great because I get to meet and help people who genuinely feel they don’t have the power to change what makes them miserable, insecure and destined to failure.  I met someone a few months ago at one of my free life coaching seminars who told me in detail how she had finally found the one, her Prince and was moving in with him after knowing him only 6 months....
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Relationship Dilemma Coaching
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How Can A Life Coach Help Me?

Practising self awareness or mindfullness is a skill. In the UK visiting a therapist to learn this skill is not as readily accepted as in Los Angeles where it's as run of the mill as nipping to the supermarket, the library or the hair salon.

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How Can A Life Coach Help Me?
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Shirley Yanez Talk Therapist

We are living in a world where some people just cannot move forward and are stuck in a holding pattern, never reaching their true and full potential. Talk therapy can help you enrich your life and make you feel more confident, less chaotic, focused and most importantly happier. Couch Time with me will help you set goals encouraging you to focus your thoughts and achieve what you aim for whether it be losing weight, changing career, giving up an addiction or just getting to...

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Shirley Yanez Talk Therapist
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