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Weight Loss Tutorial

Your diet is your lifestyle, so if you desire a fab slim figure, loads of energy and the secret to happiness, in a long fun packed life, you have to invest your time in creating an eating plan that includes no more than 2000 calories a day, including alcohol

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Weight Loss Tutorial
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Weight Loss

Losing weight will increase your feeling of self worth, improving your life and inspiring your mind

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Weight Loss
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Ultimate Top Ten Tips For An LA Body

An LA Body is not about spending 10 hours a day in the gym, (unless you are J Lo) or staving yourself half to death. It's possible at any age to maintain a lovely curvy mannequin by following a few simple steps daily.

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Ultimate Top Ten Tips For An LA Body
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The Truth About Chocolate

I will admit, once upon a time, going from being a shopaholic to a chocaholic almost overnight which led me to gain some unwanted weight in all the wrong places and left me feeling pretty miserable and unhealthy. These days, since enlightenment and some education about what is real chocolate and what are just sugar and toxins, I avoid anything white, milk and go only for 80% cocoa dark.

The truth is anything that is addictive is bad for you. When I was growing up...

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The Truth About Chocolate
3816 0

Eat Nuts Everyday

A handful of nuts will do more to help you lose weight than any other snack. Don't be put off them thinking the high calories just aren't worth it. Don't think comfort eating think miracle cure instead.

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Eat Nuts Everyday
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Six Common Sense Reasons To Eat Avocado Daily

I love avocado so much I eat it almost every day because of its amazing health benefits both in the vanity department and in the internal health department.  Most people believe this food to be too high in fat calories which they believe will pile on the pounds and make them fatter but this is a misconception.
Avocado is high in fat calories but it is good fat that your body is able to turn into nutrients, energy and essential protein fuel, helping keep us fuller longer...

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Six Common Sense Reasons To Eat Avocado Daily
4216 0

Seven Days in LA - Fast Detox Plan

 Have You Let Yourself Go?

When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, we have to begin with desire because without wanting it more than anything else, failure will always play havoc with your emotions and keep you stuck in misery, Once you have true desire and listen only to yourself and not others, as losing weight is your choice and your reward for getting in the right mind-set, you will succeed in any goal you set...

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Seven Days in LA - Fast Detox Plan
3910 0

Address The Fat Facts

In the UK right now we have an obesity problem that is so great it could potentially take down and kill our whole health care system, leaving little help for those sick people who desperately need it.

Currently two Million in the UK suffer from diabetes which is related to obesity and 750.000 don't yet know they have it. Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions and now affects teenagers and young children who are also suffering from liver...

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Address The Fat Facts
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You Are What You Eat

Being your best self means slowing down sufficiently to hear your body talking instead of listening to your lying mind telling you to order a take out.

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You Are What You Eat
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