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Get In Pursuit Of The Magic Grapefruit

Get In Pursuit Of The Magic Grapefruit

We've all heard of the grapefruit diet popularised in the 1930 in Hollywood and then spread across America. In 1929 it was known as the "eighteen-day diet", 18 days of grapefruit, orange, toast, vegetable and egg combinations, a brutal regime totalling approximately 500 calories.

Did you know that grapefruit is known as the miracle fruit for it's many health benefits?

Vitamins A and C are both crucial for achieving any healthy glow, something we all need as we age and our youthful looks begin to fade. Your skin needs antioxidants as well as plenty of water to retain that dewy Hollywood glow, so I recommend you eat a grapefruit a day to keep the wrinkles away, creating smooth, plump extra elasticity in your skin.

There is no use in having fabulous healthy youthful skin, if your hair is dull and lacklustre. Once again, the magic benefits of the grapefruit will come to the rescue and deliver the best results for fabulous Hollywood hair. Vitamin C and plenty of antioxidants properties helps to enhance your immune system, strengthening the connective tissues within your hair follicles, which in turn helps promote better growth.

The high-water content in the magic grapefruit also helps to keep you hydrated and, in some people can help with weight loss, making you feel fuller for longer avoiding overindulging on those extra unnecessary calories. Consuming a grapefruit a day which is high in fibre, will help keep the doctor away because it is not only good for the way you look on the outside, it is a miracle cure for preventing heart disease, high cholesterol and blood pressure on the inside. 

You will always see the beautiful healthy ladies of Hollywood happily chomping their way through a big bowl of diced pink grapefruit, rather than a bucket of KFC and it is plain to see why they always look fabulous compared with the rest of the world. They do the work it takes to be the best. Studies have also shown the scent of grapefruit produces a pheromone response which triggers a response from the opposite sex.

Lets recap. If you want an immune system booster that will kick start your metabolism, reduce bad cholesterol, ease insomnia, hydrate your body and your skin plus get that healthy Hollywood glow, introduce eating plenty of grapefruit into your daily routine.

Photo by: Vino Li Unsplash

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