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Lift Your Face For Free Without Cosmetic Surgery
Venus Cow Admin / Monday, September 9, 2013 / Categories: Daily Routine, Wellbeing, Free Tips That Work

Lift Your Face For Free Without Cosmetic Surgery

I have a real problem with women who pay money to mess with their faces, only to end up looking like a plastic duck or a swollen blow fish, when there is a sure free way to keep your face looking naturally younger.  I have a religious daily routine and this means I never miss it, which involves one simple free procedure you can do yourself without any pain, stitches or debt; my free face work out and lift.

This is one free beauty tip that works. I don't want to blow my own horn but I am 65 and didn't start doing this until well into my fifties. I do cleanse and moisturise every day and have done for as long as I can remember but I didn't quit cigarettes, alcohol and meat until middle age and I have never had any cosmetic procedure or used botox, fillers.

 Every morning when you get up rub an ice cube over your face and neck, using upward strokes until it melts. If you have no ice use freezing cold water instead. Doing this routine everyday gives your facial muscles a brisk, effective workout by making them contract and then release. I have been doing this every morning for 10 years now and have noticed good results.

Beauty is always skin deep, as we are all unique with our own unique stamp to leave our mark on the planet but it is only the constant pressure on women to look younger, otherwise the scrap heap looms, that creates a need to take extreme measures. Stop imaging what I call the ‘if only’ syndrome, always wishing you looked like someone airbrushed on a magazine cover, instead of you, so your life would become more exciting.

Embrace wisdom and wrinkles as a plus in life because the more you love yourself, the more people will love you back, instead of staring and gossiping about how odd you look. A tired face after a long life of smoking, drinking, sun bathing and fast food binges, will not be easy to reverse unless all are cut out immediately. My best advice when it comes to making the most of what you have, is to make what you put in your body only clean and healthy from now on.

Photo by: Tomáš Lištiak Unsplash

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