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Practise Makes Perfect
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Practise Makes Perfect
Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: Fashion Confidence

Practise Makes Perfect

Venus Cow says, "Learn to create your style with a smile."

Practise is the key to improving everything in your life including your style. And as face masks become the new must have accessory and everyone from Chanel to Louis Vuitton quick to jump on the band wagon and make one what better place to start when it comes to stepping out of your style comfort zone.

With the planet in so much trouble it really is time now to start thinking about smart shopping and not just picking up another top, that doesn’t work, is too young, looks cheap and resembles what everyone else has purchased. Having great style is all about having the confidence to try something new and not about fashion. Fashion trends are becoming a dinosaur concept. Alessandro Michele creative director for Gucci annouced, May 2020 they would be no more seasonal collections with the brand moving away from 5 collections a year at fashion weeks around the world to just two with much more emphasis on sustainability. In reality the High Street only caters for girls without a saggy middle aged body looking for a throwaway item to wear once. As we get older, we have to work hard at keeping in shape because the reality is simple, if your body is bad, your clothes will look bad. Sorry; sad but true!

Being unique and standing out from the crowd is one sure fire way to get yourself noticed.

Fashion is all about fun so learn to play with your look by building inner confidence, pick up a beret or a colourful silk scarf from your local charity shop; better to practice style on a budget before you invest your hard earned cash in a keeper piece, so give it a go. As face masks become an everyday staple fashion accessory why not make it part of your outfit.

Practise you’re styling on a friend, a mannequin or by looking at fashion sites on the internet and learn to colour coordinate your clothes with your accessories. Don't stress if your looks don't come together immediately, the most important thing about fashion is always having fun and never taking yourself too seriously. And remember if you are feeling daunted even for the best and most experienced stylist a face mask as a essential accessory is something completely new.

Photo by: Zachariah Hagy

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