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Get Ready To Squeeze Into Your LBD

OK I have to write a blog like this every November, the month our thoughts go to the growing tyre around the middle and dusting off the LBD hidden at the back of the closet, remembering you never actually got into it last year. It is going to take four weeks of hell, discipline and facing denial, in order to look and feel amazing through the party season in December and hopefully this time, the penny will finally drop, yo-yo dieting and torture is not the only way to...

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Get Ready To Squeeze Into Your LBD
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8 Ways To Style Chanel Look For Less

You don't have to be a millionaire to convincingly style a Chanel look on a budget if you stick to a few simple rules and pick up a Chanel Flap bag second hand. And even if shopping Chanel pre loved is out of reach don't worry - we hand pick all the right pieces at the best possible price to keep even the experts guessing........

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8 Ways To Style Chanel Look For Less
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Styling: The Most Common Mistakes Women Make

Are you completely at a loss when it comes to creating a unique look or styling a complete outfit? We see women every day making the same dressing mistakes in desperate need of support and real styling help from professionals who have real experience not retailers who'll tell you anything to move another Mustard top - so we've put together this list of the most common styling pitfalls to avoid 

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Styling: The Most Common Mistakes Women Make
4075 0

Advanced Style

It's a complete myth people notice or are put off by age. People notice and are put off by the negative energy, grumbling, complaining and know it all behaviour many older people display. Working on your style will alleviate some of these symtoms of old age.

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Advanced Style
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Dress For Drama

The one thing I do every day and have done since I was very young is commit time to getting ready  properly, not just throwing any old thing on and that incudes putting make up on even if I'm not doing anything except going for a walk, Shirley speaks.

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Dress For Drama
5156 0

Style On A Shoestring

It's a common misconception only the rich can be stylish. Of course seeing something you think looks great or wanting something someone else has, aspiration, costs money. Creating something amazing from what you have already takes skills not cash.

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Style On A Shoestring
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Look Good Over Forty

Forty is most definitely the new hot age to be, old enough to be wise but still young enough to look twenty with the right attitude, energy and confidence.

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Look Good Over Forty
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Practise Makes Perfect

As climate change becomes a major issue for every business, no more so for the fashion business which cannot pertain to care about the planet and keep producing collection after collection without batting an eye lid. Styling is fast becoming the new shopping for ethical fashionistas with Gucci leading the way.

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Practise Makes Perfect
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Posh Look For Less

When I was climbing the ladder back to success I needed to look the part on a serious budget.

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Posh Look For Less
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Fashionista Vs Budget Stylist

There's a budding stylist in everyone. And the beauty about creating your own style, the only person you have to please is yourself.

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Fashionista Vs Budget Stylist
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Legging It To Winter

I love the autumn and winter when it comes to my style and fashion choices. At mid-50 I always cover my age by choosing black staples like three quarter length sleeve T shirts, longer in the body and perfect black good quality leggings. My favourite winter outfit has not changed for years because when you find what works, you no longer have to waste time worrying about how you look. This outfit consists of a soft black leather jacket, black Venus Cow T shirt, my PBL...

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Legging It To Winter
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