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How To Get Thin Hollywood Style
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How To Get Thin Hollywood Style
Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: Exercise, LA Body

How To Get Thin Hollywood Style

In Hollywood, or anywhere else on the globe where food is in abundance, there are no short cuts to being thin. It is all about discipline, desire and dedication. I learned when I moved to LA you change by osmosis. Just by being in an environment where people wake up early, exercise every day and consider their health extremely important to anti aging you find yourself changing and adapting to new things. Travel broadens the mind.

Once again, there's no magic wand. All you have to do is lose the excuses and believe you can do it. The only way to get a healthy BMI is to follow a clean living lifestyle program. Sorry to say it again but you have to give up, drinking, smoking, caffeine, chocolate and meat and begin your "controlled indulgence" mantra. Giving up the things you think you really enjoy is extremely difficult without a change in mindset. Thinking you'll depreive yourself for a specific time, a week, a month, a year to achieve your goal and then return to your unhealthy patterns you may as well not bother. A new you for life means a new regime for life and why LA is a breakfast culture not a dinner culture. In Hollywood you eat in the morning.

The Hollywood top tip for a fabulous body and mind is not easy but it does work. Start each day by drinking two large glasses of warm water with a slice of lemon, followed by a large glass of grapefruit juice.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day in order to get your metabolism working so you must eat something but avoid all carbs. Try fruit or drink a smoothie. We know from experience that 1500 calories per day is the magic number to maintain weight but if you are losing weight 1200 calories will do the trick. Try to reduce your portion size and include nuts, cherries, salmon, avocado and green tea in your diet, all proven to aid weight loss.

Life is never about being a perfect size 10 but looking and feeling healthy is critical for a long, happy life. So if you can stand a short term clean regime with a view to slowly changing the habits you know are the problem (late night binging after a bottle of wine) it will be possible to change your patterns and reach your goal. If you can't, then you must accept you will remain where you are forever. In LA the sun shines so getting outside on your bike, skate board, surf board, roller skates, scooter even segway (if you must) is easy with the weather on your side. Of course it's tougher to get motivated to get outside if it's pouring with rain but this is a must if you want to reap the longer term mental health benefits of being slimmer as well as catapult and kick start the weight loss journey.

You probably don't believe this but give up buttered toast for long enough, when you go back to it you'll find it doesn't taste as appetizing, the same with cheese, unthinkable to give up when the thought makes your mouth water stimulating your pleasure senses even before your first bite but manage to give it a miss for a few months and then actually taste it and see what you think. By saying the words "I could never do that" recognise that is your choice.

It's your life, make it a word not a sentence.

Photo by: Jack Finnigan Unsplash

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