Monday, January 04, 2021 5716 0 Trust Trusting others can be a precarious business, people often say one thing and do the complete opposite but with committed meditation practise the one person you can learn to completely trust and rely upon is yourself. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 7163 0 Sex Tutorial So if sex is about mating, nesting and marriage, common sense tells us we should make sure we pick the right one. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 4617 0 Law Of Attraction We don't like everyone we meet. We are not attracted to everyone we meet. The facts of the matter are we will only ever attract ourselves, the best reason to work on yourself if one day you want to hang out at the top. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 3625 0 Celibacy Sex is a complex interaction that can manifest feelings across a broad spectrum from desire to shame and can have negative consequences when it comes to personal empowerment and good mental health. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 3442 0 Love Addiction Does the thought of one day being in love consume you? Have you ever considered this constant yearning for love may have been mis placed in your mind? Do you feel empty without love? Read more
Thursday, October 16, 2014 6602 0 How To Make A Man Desire You If only I could transpant my wise old head on all those beautiful young shoulders, no girl would ever have to play "Love Me, Love Me Not" ever again. Read more
Monday, October 13, 2014 7890 0 The Truth About Sex, Love and Men When It Comes To Dating My mother was a man magnet, she had recognisable sex appeal but as one of nine who'd escaped a Glaswegian tennament was not a romantic in the Disney princess sort of way. She introduced me to Bette Davis from an early age we'd watch afternoon classics like All About Eve and Another Man's Poison so I'd guess you'd say I had a greater understanding of villians and vixens than your average 5 year old. Read more
Monday, November 04, 2013 3933 0 Relationship Advice For Unhappy Men Good, strong, healthy relationships with loads of laughter, great communication and fantastic regular sex don't just happen, to get things exactly as you like them in any relationship is a fantasy, you have to be prepared to be completely honest with your partner and be prepared for a little give and take. Read more
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 4684 0 The Fairytale Always Ends At The Wedding When I speak to people who have been married or are married they have a very different view of marriage than people who have never tied the knot. Read more
Monday, September 27, 2010 4137 0 Celibacy And The Successful Woman If I told you you could have it all, health, happiness, money, power, friends, family, influence but you had to give up sex, would you take the trade? Read more