Saturday, November 07, 2015 3502 0 Ageing The goal of an antiaging mentality is to help increase your lifespan as well as help make you feel vibrant, happy and full of life once again Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 3812 0 Menopause My no.1 top tip for surviving menopause (aside from HRT) change your diet and the next time someone asks you your age, tell the truth. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 4075 0 Advanced Style It's a complete myth people notice or are put off by age. People notice and are put off by the negative energy, grumbling, complaining and know it all behaviour many older people display. Working on your style will alleviate some of these symtoms of old age. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 2929 0 Can Old Be Sexy? I can say with all honesty as a 64 year old celibate female I get more male attention these days than I ever did in my twenties and back then I had more footballer and rock and roll boyfriends than I could count. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 3034 0 Turn Back The Clock Clothes You only have to look to the Red Carpet in Hollywood to recognise the 1st key to looking younger when you're older is not showing too much skin, it's a dead giveaweay. The second key is stay in shape. The 3rd key is stay engaged. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 3819 0 Look Good Over Forty Forty is most definitely the new hot age to be, old enough to be wise but still young enough to look twenty with the right attitude, energy and confidence. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 2457 0 Forever Young When my nephew, who is tall, handsome, 30 and not a people pleaser tells me I could pass for 45 almost 20 years less than my actual age and asks me how I do it, he's interested in my anti aging strategy for himself, I know I have the secret. Read more
Saturday, November 07, 2015 2456 0 Fab Over Fifty I am 64 and you won;t catch me giving up my style anytime soon. Read more
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 3836 0 Never Too Old For Style and Fashion I was blown away last night watching Channel 4’s Fabulous Fashionistas, a Cutting Edge Film by Sue Bourne at 10pm. I have been banging the ‘don’t forget about the older woman’ drum for so long, I had almost lost all hope until this amazing one hour documentary, following some inspirational fab style ambassadors, revived my appetite. Read more
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 4888 0 For Menopause - Houmous And A Healthy Lifestyle Middle age brings with it a lot of physical changes and unpleasant symptoms for women, exacerbated by a poor or unhealthy lifestyle. A couple of inexpensive additions to your daily routine could make the difference. Read more