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Rewind, Restore, Rejuvenate, Rejoice and then Rebel

Shirley's roller coaster life has had many ups and downs. Now in her 6th decade she has found with discipline and dedication the straight and narrow path to peace, true happiness and is having more fun than ever before.

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Rewind, Restore, Rejuvenate, Rejoice and then Rebel
3450 0

Why Do I Need A Free Life Coach?

When I found myself in a mental health hell the one thing I needed more than anything else was a free life coach. In LA there's no such thing, I enlisted the help of Carl Jung to help me and why I am available to help anyone who finds themselves in the same predictament, at no charge.

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Why Do I Need A Free Life Coach?
3610 0

Bullying Tutorial

Whether you are the perpetrator or the victim of bullying, it's important to look at why we do it, why we let it happen and how we can learn to stop both behaviour patterns.

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Bullying Tutorial
2057 0

How To Motivate Yourself Tutorial

The first step to motivating yourself, if you truly have never been able to achieve anything, is to take action, so switch off the telly.

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How To Motivate Yourself Tutorial
3194 0

Confidence Tutorial

Being confident is about being sure because if you are sure, you can never make a mistake. Being sure means taking your time, going at your own pace, being in control and never allowing others to undermine you or your thinking.

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Confidence Tutorial
2703 0

Self Confidence

How do I build self confidence and boost self esteem? Common sense tells us if we believe we're not rich enough or good looking enough we're never going to have any self confidence.

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Self Confidence
2205 0

Lift Life in Middle Age

Your Venus Cow is the youthful, fresh, desirable girl lost inside the time gap between what we used to look like and the cruel reality of ageing, menopause and no confidence. You feel like she's gone forever but she's not, she just needs a slap round the face to wake her up.

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Lift Life in Middle Age
4851 0

Dress For Drama

The one thing I do every day and have done since I was very young is commit time to getting ready  properly, not just throwing any old thing on and that incudes putting make up on even if I'm not doing anything except going for a walk, Shirley speaks.

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Dress For Drama
4759 0

Dress To Impress

Confidence and self belief is not half the battle it's the whole war when it comes to styling. When we are young dressing to impress is part of our youthful DNA. It tends to dwindle as we age and other priorities take over but it doesn't have to be this way.

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Dress To Impress
3986 0

White Teeth

Did you know flossing your teeth could mean you live longer? And a healthy mouth limits your risk of cancer? Health stats aside whiter teeth mean more smiling and more confidence but in Hollywood a professional whitening experience can set you back several hundred dollars.

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White Teeth
4062 0

Best 6 Living on a Budget Tips

It's very tough to all of sudden be thrown into having to live on less. The hardest part and the most challenging is being able to adapt quickly enough to prevent yourself going under. The key to changing your lifestyle habits and patterns quickly in a crisis, to align with your new more meagre circumstances is maintaining a positive mindset when everything appears to be going wrong.


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Best 6 Living on a Budget Tips
6018 0

A More Positive Attitude For 2020

This time of the year is full of ups and downs, so it is important to have tools at your disposal to deal with whatever comes your way and be able with confidence to use these tools to trigger negative thoughts and actions into the positive. Most of us have so much trouble doing this, always feeling great in the moment and then back to beating yourself up when you don’t feel good but in reality there is..

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A More Positive Attitude For 2020
3219 0

Live Your Fantastic Life On A Budget

No one knows what it is like to live without money until faced with the challenge themselves. For me there's a big difference between surviving on a budget and actaully living on a budget. Here are my free tips that work.

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Live Your Fantastic Life On A Budget
4275 0

Free Life Coaching - Why I Do It and How It Helps?

The main reason to work with a life coach is to help you figure out where you are in your life and where you want to be but for most setting personal goals is an impossible task. Very often people need someone to help them make the dreams in their heads become reality by helping them do the work and focus on the vision. A life coach can really help in areas like relationships, careers, personal growth, addictions such as food, drugs, drink, smoking...

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Free Life Coaching - Why I Do It and How It Helps?
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