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I Predict for 2021

For the last 15 years I have worked to make a difference, helping people as a lifecoach supportedand paid for by my amazing loyal customers of my fashion business Venus Cow

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I Predict for 2021
6533 0

Happy New Year Or Are You Conning Yourself Again?

2019 has just passed by and now we are at the first day of a New Year again, bright eyed bushy tailed and ready to make massive changes, just like we say every New Year’s Eve at midnight. So how are you all feeling today and what are those changes?

I could make a list of...

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Happy New Year Or Are You Conning Yourself Again?
8948 0

You Have To be Odd To Be Number One

To be number one you have to be odd. There are two ways to look at that sentence. Some people read it and don’t actually understand it. Other people read it and recognise it’s actually a mathematical fact as the number one is never even.

Often when we think it is in a one dimensional way as we are programmed by what we see around us and what we believe to be true but when you change the way you look at things the things you look at...

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You Have To be Odd To Be Number One
8796 0

Plus Size Wars

I was watching Channel 4 the other evening when a program called Plus Sized Wars caught my attention. I was excited. As you all know I am creating clothes for the curvier woman with my perfect black leggings.

After spending the day rushing around central London I had spotted pretty much every girl in either active wear, yoga pants or black leggings so I was quite interested in seeing what this program had to say about Plus Size fashion and where it was going....

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Plus Size Wars
8232 0

Think About Your New Year Resolution TODAY

The first week of a New Year is always for many a bit of a let-down, often because the long drawn out climax of the Christmas period comes and goes with the blink of an eye, leaving us with massive credit cards bills looming to pay for it all. It makes me laugh every New Year to hear people saying they have a list of resolutions, like quitting smoking or giving up booze because unless you implemented these new regimes on December the 31st, you immediately fail...

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Think About Your New Year Resolution TODAY
7975 0

Do I Need Plastic Surgery? Checklist

When you are truly grateful for your life, your health and your body is your temple because without it you don't exist it's impossible to contemplate cosmetic surgery, placing your life at risk for vanity.

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Do I Need Plastic Surgery? Checklist
5881 0

Only The Addicted Can Cure Addiction

It really saddens me, as a life coach, who spends endless hours helping the poor and addicted unravel demons and missed dreams to see the recent deaths of high profile, privileged celebrities like Philip Seymour Hoffman, L Wren Scott and Peaches Geldof. The truth is we are all fragile regardless of how much money, fame or success we have and with little modern, updated talk therapy available I see the problem only getting...

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Only The Addicted Can Cure Addiction
5285 0

My Wishlist For 2014

The beauty of writing something down, like your goals, hopes and dreams, you get to revisit them down the road.

1. World peace is my top priority wish because without it all my other wishes are insignificant in comparison!

2. The Venus Cow PBL  perfect black leggings to sell worldwide because they are what I say they are and my customers love them enough to tell everyone else about...

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My Wishlist For 2014
4499 0

Power To The People Not To The Christmas Lights

OK today I am really trying to be positive as I have a lot to look forward to but in my free life coaching sessions for those who are lost outside the system, the homeless, the addicted, the under privileged, small business owners crippled by banks and payday loan victims dreading another Christmas and I am struggling to remain upbeat.

I want to ask some questions to the government, the council and big business, including the banks about why this country is so...

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Power To The People Not To The Christmas Lights
5015 0

Is Christmas Becoming Miss Havisham?

I keep trying really hard to escape anything to do with Christmas but where ever I go, I end up being forced to listen to jingle bells or people rushing around stressed because they have not got Uncle Bob his woolly socks yet and there is only 4 weeks left to go. What is wrong with everyone? They must be depressed that this one day in December has this endless build up starting in October with subliminal festive music creeping in on TV ads and not ending until...

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Is Christmas Becoming Miss Havisham?
5673 0

Out Of Control Supermarkets Killing Their Customers?

I was really shocked to read an article in the paper today about how the big supermarkets are throwing away much of the fresh fruit and salad they stock because it is past the sell by date, their customers prefering junk food instead. Many families are living on the breadline right now and have been forced to buy cheap food, not understanding what they are buying or how to control portion size because the supermarkets are producing bigger portions without telling the customer. The food...

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Out Of Control Supermarkets Killing Their Customers?
3885 0

Always Looking Forward To Or Getting Over....

Any of you who follow me will know how anti alcohol I am. This is not from a judgmental place but from a place of pure observation and personal experience. I am currently on a short break in Marbella after finding what I thought was a good deal on the Internet. I have been to Marbella many times and enjoyed many alcohol driven lunches and partying in the past but this trip has shown me something I have not seen before.

I am sitting by a pool at 10am in the...

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Always Looking Forward To Or Getting Over....
6177 0

Life After Social Media?

I am really worried about young people right now who are subjected to the massive pitfalls of having their every move played out on the internet, in order to be popular and liked by complete strangers, often disguised as wolves in sheep’s clothing.  When I read almost every day in the media, stories about teenagers hanging themselves because they are victims of cyber bulling, it makes my blood boil and my fighting back spirit...

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Life After Social Media?
3771 0

Is The World Coming To An End?

It is really hard to talk openly about the state the world is in right now and that is because we are all afraid of dying but surely if we are so afraid of death, why are we are not doing something about the reality? When we think outside the box we begin to see just what is happening around us. The Internet has become a mirror allowing us to face our behaviour and see just what a mess we have made of this wonderful thing called life.

Let's take the...

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Is The World Coming To An End?
3526 0

Happiness Is The Missing Link

"Happiness is a state of mind. An unquenchable thirst and insatiable hunger for happiness is what all of us search outwardly for every second we are awake but the true secret to finding happiness comes from looking inward.
Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and...

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Happiness Is The Missing Link
4117 0

Will Life Be The Death Of Us?

Death comes to us all as we cling on to the fear, of a time that doesn't exist, when we are no longer here.

Life, this precious gift perfectly engineered to work like any other miracle of nature, fails miserably when we humanise and question its creator.

To create life we have to mate, then breed, evolving our purpose from the fertilised seed but it all goes wrong when it comes to man, greedily destroying nature whenever he...

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Will Life Be The Death Of Us?
3812 0

War What Is It Good For?

Absolutely nothing.

There is no way to peace, peace is the way.

Religion causes war and is the root of all evil in our World as we know it. When we think outside the box, we can find no sense in believing in a white Man in the sky with a beard, handing out miracles to the masses who clearly do not deserve them. We can find no sense in the euphoria believed by fanatical suicide bombers who imagine being rewarded by seventy two virgins in...

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War What Is It Good For?
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