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Venus Cow Admin / Saturday, November 7, 2015 / Categories: Exercise


Bring out your Baywatch Babe

It is possible to become addicted to something you believe you don't like. A healthy mind demands a partnership with a healthy body.

We all have the potential to be more Baywatch Babe than Bubbles DeVere.

Venus Cow says “Exercise your right to be fit and healthy.”

For all of you brave enough to join this lesson well done. Your brutal truth free life coaching will help erase all your exercise excuses from this day on. I can't walk because of my knees, my bad back stops me doing exercise for abs.

Common sense tells us; if you are carrying too much fat on your body that has had a fatal impact on your body/knees giving you the perfect reason why you are unable to exercise, you are delusional.

Joining a team is great for motivation to exercise bands us together and makes us less likely to flake out when it comes to get going to a practise session.

It is a myth you need loads of exercise equipment or an expensive gym membership. Motivation is the key to exercise. The desire to be at our best. We have all done it, lost weight to impress or hook a prospective lover or get into an important dress. The incentive, to look fantastic prancing about the bedroom in our underwear.

So why can we not do it for ourselves?

The truth is we only know what we know and we all fear the unknown. Exercise like sex and chocolate produces a chemical released in the brain giving us the feeling of “intense feel good”, life’s natural high, extremely addictive with fantastic results. All you have to do is go for a walk.

Venus Cow says “ Goodbye Fat Cow and hello Venus Cow.”

Assess the countryside, woods, mountains, beach, ocean, places of natural beauty you have around you, even if it's only your local park. Start walking one mile every day, in comfortable clothes and trainers. Take some music to listen to and a bottle of water. Look up and out as you go not down at your feet. Try to not only see what's around you but actually concentrate on observing and remembering what you see. Build up your pace and your distance as quickly as you feel able. Make it your routine, something you cannot miss.

If you are struggling to get motivated alone, ask a friend for help. Commit to doing it together, then one can encourage the other when it's raining and you just don't feel like it. Make your exercise routine fun. If you enjoy something with lots of laughter, the time flies by and you'll be much more likely to carry on. Commiting to a group or a team, a running club or volleyball team then you'll feel more obligated when others are relying on you to turn up for your exercise ball.

If you are struggling to find time, 30 minutes to yourself, fit in the walking somewhere else in your day. Walk the kids to school instead or jump off the bus one stop early on your way to work.

It will not be long before you start to feel better, look slimmer and have more energy. The more energy you have the less food you will pick at cutting out all the rubbish you sub-consciously eat for comfort. Make it your mission every time you just don't know what to do, or think you need to change, go for a walk.

Venus Cow says, "Meditation Equals Change Equals Exercise."

As you get more addicted to exercise and less needy of the cream cake you can take up running, swimming, join a gym, take up salsa, tennis, golf, opening up a whole new social life and circle of new friends. Finding time to meditate will give you time for yourself and keep you motivated.

The truth is if you carry on eating more than 2000 calories per day and do no exercise or meditation in middle age you are going to be fat, frumpy and forgotten not happy, vital and fantastic.

Take a leaf out of Pamela Anderson's book who at 53 maintains a vegan diet and still looks incredible even though she swears she hardly ever works out.

"I don't work out much," Pamela told People. "I walk on the beach, and I love the feeling after a long walk or a walk through a museum. I've always stretched and moved my body with resistance. I like dancing—I was taking ballet in Paris—but I'm double-jointed and need to keep my strength. I'm more flexible than strong."

Venus Cow says, “Feed your mind not your feelings.”

Photo by: Alex Chaplinsky Unsplash

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